College Football Hall of Fame Staff

Kimberly Beaudin
President & CEO
Yomand Brown
VP, Marketing, Sales and Communication
Mark Petersen
VP, Finance & Administration
Shawn Teske
VP, Operations & Guest Experience
Chris Wood
VP, Development and Philanthropy
Zachary Ericson
Director of Information Technology
Andrea Thompson
Staff Accountant
Kent Stephens
Historian & Curator
Denis Crawford
Historian & Exhibit Designer
Brandon Nguyen
Assistant Curator
Paige Eskens
Marketing Manager
Sharode Perry
Content Manager
Amber Brown
Event Sales Manager
Margaret Bacevich
Event Sales Coordinator
Megan Yuchasz
Event Manager
Taylor Miller
Sponsorship Sales Specialist
Olivia Southerland
Development Specialist
Brian Lowe
Digital Video Content Coordinator
Matthew Pharazyn
Group Sales Manager
Aries Burrell
Group Sales Executive
Deion Young
Interactive Support Coordinator
Jordan Devine
Director of Fan Experience
AJ McCray-Nibbs
Fan Experience Sr. Manager
Denija Washington
Fan Experience Manager
Ronald Edgerson
Facilities Manager
James Walker
Building Maintenance Coordinator
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